A woman skillfully navigating through a bustling crowd, intently answering her phone as she explores the power of niche marketing for her business.

In today’s business world, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to stand out from the crowd. With so many competitors in every industry, companies need to find unique ways to connect with customers and increase their sales. This is where niche marketing comes in. Niche marketing is a strategy that allows businesses to identify and target specific […]

conducting market research

Marketing research provides organizations with data to help them better understand their customers’ needs, wants, and behaviors. The marketing research process is one that occurs over time—it’s not something you can do quickly or on the fly. Instead, it requires thoughtful planning and perseverance in order to get the information you need to make decisions […]

It’s easy to forget that when you’re running a small business, you don’t have the big budget of some big companies. That means you’re going to need to get creative with your marketing strategies if you want to get any traffic at all, let alone enough traffic to make it worth your while. Here are […]

Don’t know how to find your target market? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! Many aspiring business owners have no idea where to begin when it comes to knowing who their target market is or how to attract them. This guide will walk you through steps you can take to find your target market and start […]

“According to the American Marketing Association, marketing research is the systematic gathering, recording and analyzing of data about problems relating to the marketing of goods and services.”  – Michigan Small Business & Technology Development Center     Marketing research can provide useful insights into the way consumers currently feel about your product or service, which […]